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Annie Zhou Guzheng Performance Compilation One   #古箏 #guzheng #performance

Annie Zhou Guzheng Performance Compilation One #古箏 #guzheng #performance

To help everyone gain a better understanding of my Guzheng performances, I've put together a small compilation: ➡️ For large-scale events, Lunar New Year, Festivals, corporate events, typically, performances feature vibrant accompaniments in backing tracks, creating a distinct rhythmic feel and a joyful atmosphere. ➡️ For professional concerts, private gatherings, and smaller events, the focus is primarily on pure Guzheng performances, allowing the audience to quietly appreciate the beauty of the music. Over the years, there have been ups and downs in my journey, but it's all been in pursuit of better promoting Chinese traditional music abroad and continuous self-improvement. I'm truly grateful for the support of my friends 🙏🎶 Here are some clips from these performances: - Los Angeles County Holiday Celebration - Chinese New Year Gala - Casino Show - Concert sponsored by the City of Sierra Madre - Performances at the renowned comedy club, Hollywood Improv - Wedding performance - Thanksgiving performances - NAMM show - Performances at luxury real estate events - Private partie in San Francisco - AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) Traditional Month Concert - Performance at the University of Southern California Asian Pacific Museum 為了讓大家更深入了解我的古箏演出,我製作了一個小型演出合輯~ ➡️ 適用於一些大型活動、春晚、公司年會和企業活動等演出,通常伴有節奏鮮明的伴奏,營造出明顯的節奏感和歡樂的氛圍。 ➡️ 專業音樂會、私人聚會和小型活動則以純古箏演奏為主,使觀眾能夠靜靜欣賞音樂之美。 這些年來跌跌撞撞,為了更好地在海外傳播民族音樂,以及為了不斷提升自己,但一直以來都感激支持我的朋友們🙏🎶 以下是一些代表性的演出片段: - 洛杉磯郡節日慶典 - 美國華人春晚 - 賭場專場演出 - 馬德雷市政府贊助的音樂會 - 著名好萊塢喜劇俱樂部Improv演出 - 婚禮演出 - 感恩節演出 - 美國最大樂器展演出 - 房地產豪宅演出 - 舊金山私人派對演出 - AAPI亞太傳統月音樂會 - 南加大亞太博物館演出

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